KSAN:s verksamhetsutvecklare Britt Fredenman deltog vid 8th WFAD’s World Forum and 27th ECAD’s Mayors’ Conference i Göteborg den 13-14 juni och medverkade även på WFAD Årsmöte och samtal med WFAD Gender Working Group.
KSAN är medlemsorganisation hos WFAD/ World Federation Against Drugs och representerad i WFAD Gender Working Group.
WFAD Team, summering av konferensen:
"Last week, on June 13th and 14th, the 8th World Forum and 27th ECAD's Mayors' Conference took place successfully in Gothenburg, Sweden. On both days, research, tools, and best practices were shared on prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and recovery, including a focus on children and women. We once again want to express our gratitude for your active participation either online or in person. We hope that the Forum has been inspiring, an opportunity to network, while sharing knowledge and best practices.
In case you were not able to join the [full] sessions, please find the recordings below. The timings of the various presentations can be found in the description of the video:
- Plenary Session.
- Track on Prevention.
- Track on Treatment and Recovery.
- Track on Advocacy.
Additionally, a summary has been created, which also includes the presentation slides of some presentations."
Gruppfoto av deltagarna på 8th WFAD’s World Forum and 27th ECAD’s Mayors’ Conference.
Gruppfoto på en del av WFAD Gender Working Group.
Verksamhetsutvecklare Britt Fredenman