Välkomna att registrera er för kostnadsfri virtuell medverkan på Women & Addiction International Symposium den 22-24 september 2022.

KSAN/WOCAD är medlemsorganisation hos ICAA/ International Council on Alcohol and Addictions och deltar på eventet Women & Addiction International Symposium samt är talare under konferensen med programpunkt om aggressiv marknadsföring riktad till flickor och kvinnor.

Programpunkt Lördag den 24 september, kl: 18.00-18.30 (svensk tid):
How to resist aggressive and targeted marketing of addictive substances aimed at girls.
“The Pink Monster” - interactive methods for gender-specific drug prevention.
Britt Fredenman (by Zoom).
WOCAD/Women’s Organizations Committee on Alcohol and Drug Issues, Sweden.

”Women & Addiction International Symposium.

To remove the barriers to meaningful addiction treatment for women and their young children through improved understanding of the impacts of the social determinants of health.
22-24 September 2022.

Welcome to the International Women and Addiction Symposium* Website. Women with addiction face unique challenges in the areas of stigma, trauma, co-occurring disorders, gender inequalities and motherhood.

As such, Portage Atlantic, in partnership with the International Council on Alcohol and Addiction is proud to host this inter-sectoral gathering to make a positive difference in the journey of women with addiction. As Chair of this event, I can speak to the ever-present purpose throughout the planning; to ensure it highlights solutions and supports advocacy for this population.

In keeping with the vision, this symposium holds great hope that our collective efforts will lead to further developing a roadmap to outcomes that will be meaningful for women, mothers and their young children.

On behalf of all involved in the planning and implementation of this event, thank you to our sponsoring partners for your interest and support.

The hybrid symposium will coming to you from Canada’s East Coast in Saint John, New Brunswick.”

Registrering (kostnadsfri för virtuell medverkan)

women in addiction international symposium 2022

Verksamhetsutvecklare Britt Fredenman